COL Reminder exceeds 100.000 downloads
Today we reached the 100.000 downloads only in the Android Market!!
Many thanks to all donators, translators and users of COL Reminder.
COL Reminder is now translated into over 25 languages!
COL Reminder have 1760 ratings with an average of 4,5 of 5,0 !
To calibrate the 100.000 downloads i will send 10 free PayPal licenses to the first 10 users who are commenting this post!
Here are some statistic details.
Android versions:
1 | Android 2.2 | 55.3% (16,346) |
2 | Android 2.1 | 18.5% (5,471) |
3 | Android 2.3.3 | 14.2% (4,208) |
4 | Android 1.6 | 4.6% (1,351) |
5 | Android 1.5 | 3.9% (1,143) |
6 | Android 2.3 | 0.3% (98) |
7 | Android 2.0.1 | 0.1% (33) |
8 | Android 2.0 | 0.0% (8) |
9 | Android 1.0 | 0.0% (7) |
10 | Android 3.0 | 0.0% (2) |
Phone models:
1 | HTC Desire | 8.4% (2,499) |
2 | Samsung Galaxy S | 8.0% (2,365) |
3 | Motorola Droid | 6.5% (1,908) |
4 | HTC Desire HD | 4.9% (1,442) |
5 | Motorola Droid X | 4.3% (1,273) |
6 | HTC Wildfire | 4.1% (1,215) |
7 | HTC Evo 4G | 3.6% (1,062) |
8 | HTC myTouch 3G | 2.7% (785) |
9 | HTC Droid Incredible | 2.3% (680) |
10 | SEMC Xperia X10 | 2.1% (610) |