Next major version 3.3 is here
Version 3.3 is again a major release with a lot of new features and under the hood changes.
So let’s dive in into the new features:
Swipe left/right to dismiss/delete
You can finally swipe left or right for dismiss or delete inside the main list screen.
Swipe left to dismiss it and the reminder goes to the history section.
If you swipe right it will be permanently deleted (without move to the history).
Collapsible headers in the main list
You can now tap on the header like “today” and all reminders are collapsed.
So you can collapse not needed groups for better overview.
Introducing Night Mode
It is possible to enable the new night mode.
With this new mode the theme will automatically switch to the dark theme on the selected time and will show the white theme outside of the time frame.
Where do you find it:
Settings -> Look and Feel -> Night Mode
Quick Settings Tiles (Android 6.x and up)
Settings Tiles were introduced in Android 6.0 and with version 3.3 COL Reminder has now 4 different tiles to add.
Where do you find it:
Drag down the notification bar and hit the “edit” icon. Now drag and drop the new tiles from the bottom to you desired place.
Detect TimeZone change
A lo requested feature request was finally added. A new setting to detect TimeZone changes if you travel from one country to another.
The reminders will now be readded with the correct +/- time of the current timezone.
Where do you find it:
Settings -> Date and Time
Support for the new notifications settings on Android 8.0 (Oreo) and up
In Oreo the notifications settings are now controlled outside of the app. It is not possible anymore to use a setting inside the app.
Therefore some options are changed or had to be removed because the settings are not possible anymore.
For example:
Sound Always option is now called “Override Do not disturb”.
Sadly Vibration Patterns are not available anymore.
New Adaptive Icon on Android 8.0 (Oreo) and up
In Android Oreo Adaptive Icons were introduced. More details here!
COL Reminder has now an adaptive icon. So all features of this type of icon is available for Android 8 and up.
And of course I have added a few other minor features like
* List animations, you will see now animations if you dismiss or add a new reminder to the list
* Group Notifications shows now the recurrence
* Parking reminder support images
* Dismiss option inside reminder creation screen
and under the hood recodes like
* Complete recode of the location geofence feature to the newest API from Google
* Complete recode of the inApp Purchase to the newest API from Google
* Complete recode of the main list and other lists to add new features like swipe and animations
and fixed a few reported bugs.
The full list of the changelog is as always located here.