V3.3.2 Release – 27.12.2017
- Updated languages
- Update external libraries to latest version
- Share of an image to COL Reminder does sometimes not work
- Creating image from camera does not work
- After donation the apps sometimes crashes
- Snooze Dialog is crashing if the app is not visible anymore
- Crash on Android 7 if you use an external file as notification (This is not supported anymore from Android)
- Other reported small fixes
V3.3.1 Release – 26.11.2017
- Updated languages
- Notification Settings – Group/Bundle settings wrong status checked
- Shared Images are sometimes only saved as thumbnail
- The empty reminder list screen flashes short after open COL Reminder
- Recurring setting every x minutes counts wrong
- Rare crash on SmartTimes Edit screen after tap on edit
- Parking CountDown does not get removed
- Parking CountDown was 1 minute behind reminder
- Bundled notifications are sounding twice sometimes
- Enable Reminder does not work with Android 5 and lower
- Night Mode problem with customized fonts
- Hitting home key does not refresh after list after reopen
V3.3 Release – 03.11.2017
New Features
- Swipe left/right to dismiss/delete
- Night Mode
- Settings -> Look and Feel -> Night Mode
- Quick Settings Tiles for adding a reminder (Android 6.x)
- Complete recode of Settings
- New setting “Detect Time Zone Change”
- -> Settings –> Date and time
- Location Radius can now be up to 40 KM
- Complete recode of the notifications for Android 7.x and lower
- Support for the new notifications settings on Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- In Oreo the notifications settings are now controlled outside of the app. It is not possible anymore to use a setting inside the app.Therefore some options are changed or had to be removed because the settings are not possible anymore.For example:Sound Always option is now called “Override Do not disturb”.Vibration Patterns are not available anymore
- New Adaptive Icon on Android 8.0 (Oreo) and up
- If “Group Notifications” the summary dialog shows now the recurrence of the reminder
- Complete recode of the location geofence feature to use the newest API from Google
- Complete recode of the inApp Purchase to use the newest API form Google (Should fix some purchase problems)
- Parking Reminder supports now adding images from Gallery or Camera
- Dismiss option inside Reminder creation screen (Overflow, 3 dots, and select dismiss)
- Updated external libraries to the latest versions
- Updated languages
- InApp donation does not detect purchase if offline
V3.2.6 Release – 02.07.2017
New Features
- Share reminders with links (after click on the link the reminder will be added to COL Reminder)
- Option to show the popup if running Android Auto (Settings – Notification – Popup – Show Popup only if in car mode)
- On Restore of the backup you will be now asked if you are sure
- New monthly repeat option – on every last day of month
- Natively support for Nova Launcher Count badges (TeslaUnread)
- TimeZone changes are now handled and all alarms are getting rescheduled
- Reorganised the “Notification Setting” with group headers
- Updated translations
- Updated external libraries to the latest versions
- Donation popup is not closed after donation
- Sharing images without permission does not ask for permission
- The delete icon was not shown on the image inside misc reminder
- Weird colors on dark theme inside the about screen
- Main list of reminders is crashing sometimes (Android O)
- A lot of small fixes
V3.2.5 Release – 16.05.2017
New Features
- InApp Donation instead of the second app (will no longer be visible for new users)
- New Setting – Bundle Notifications on Android Nougat (7.x and up)
- New Filter option in active reminders list. Let you filter for “today”, “location”, “prio 1 – 4”
- New “Undo Bar” after dismiss in active reminders list
- The snooze dialog shows now the reminder text
- Recurrence options minutely and hourly are now in the main options (no need to click on custom)
- Updated translations
- Updated external libraries to the latest versions
- Replaced/Optimized ALL icons and reduced the APK size a lot
- Overdue items are now also shown on the widget
- The automatic change of time after selecting the date will only be made if the time was not changed before
- Recurrence option minutely and hourly is now on the main selection screen
- Phone Permission does not work after restoring via Google Drive (Android 6+)
- Message “Boot completed” is always shown after boot
- Crash after image click in Reminder Popup (Android 6+)
- Crash on landscape recurrence picker if 12 hours mode
- Wrong display of recurrence option daily
- Crash on “Quick Call Reminder” if no permission was given (Android 6+)
- Sound always does not work on Android 7 Nougat
- Crash on Edit with the new recurrence picker
- Overlapping date inside reminder entry
- A lot of small fixes
V3.2.4 Release – 15.02.2017
New Features
- New all in one Date/Time and Recurrence Picker
- New Recurrence Picker
- New recurrence option “every nth day in month”
- New empty layout if no reminder is saved
- New Widget Option to show the priority
- New Widget Option to show the contact image
- Updated translations
- Updated external libraries to the latest versions
- Quit without saving text dialog is now more logical
- Android Wear – Dismiss option is now on first entry
- Changed completely the way all reminders are added to the system after boot or update of the app (should hopefully fix that sometimes a few reminder not added to the system)
- Pre-Alarms are now added not all at once, instead only the next upcoming pre alarm will be added (should fix the problem on Samsung phones of too many alarms)
- After share of image, image was not shown inside COL Reminder
- Widget was not refreshed after a reminder fires
- History CleanUp haven’t deleted the corresponding images
- Right to left layout fixes in Phone Reminder (contact search popup)
- A lot of small fixes
V3.2.3 Release – 08.01.2017
New Features
- New about dialog
- Updated translations Afrikaans, Italian, Vietnamese, Norwegian
- Updated external libraries to the latest versions
- Iran Calendar selection is wrong, always one month back
- Recurring phone reminder doesn’t show option call and complete
- Birthday Pre-Alarm doesn’t show the birthday age in the dialog title
- Small fixes
V3.2.2 Release – 09.12.2016
- Wear App – The tomorrow option is now back
- Crash if you want to send a Debug Log
- Crash if the contact uri is wrong
- Wear App – Message on phone after snoozing will be shown for a long time and crashes sometimes
- Birthday Contact Selection shows no action icons after select
V3.2.1 Release – 30.10.2016
New Features
- Google Drive Backup is now hidden on Google Drive
- The About Dialog support link opens now the HelpDesk
- Added * to the allowed phone numbers
- Optimized the layout for Birthday Contact selection
- Crash after selecting an image on Android 6 and up
- Small problems with the new Helpdesk
- Backup folders on Google Drive are created multiple times
- Language selection was wrong
- Birthday Contact selection does not use the selected date format
V3.2.0 Release – 30.10.2016
New Features
- New Welcome screen for new users or fresh install
- Support for external SD-Card on Lollipop and up
- New backup menu. Backup is now in the navigation bar
- Complete recode of the DropBox Backup/Restore
- Google Drive Backup/Restore Support
- Automatic upload and restore support for Google Drive
- Skipped support for Android 4.0 – 4.0.2
- Support for Android Nougat (7.x)
- Warning message if the notifications are turned off in the system settings
- App Shortcuts (7.1)
- New round icon for supported devices
- QuickCuts for Action Launcher
- Wear App for notifications only at the moment
- Updated permission requests at runtime on Android 6.x and up
- Finally fixed the problem if you use Show Popup. Popup are now also closed if you dismiss the notification!
- “Silent” ringtone should now work on all phones
- Some permission request problems on Android 6.x and up
- Right to left layout problems with phone reminder
- Start day of week not working on the native date picker
- LED Light turned on after refresh of group reminder
V3.1.9 Release – 12.08.2016 – Download
- Removing of a location and save works now
- Default Birthday reminder time is now shown in the settings
- Birthday age is now shown on day of birthday
V3.1.8 Release – 29.06.2016
New Features
- Remove location is back. Tap in the location picker on “No Location” to switch back to date/time based reminder
- Fixed problem with language Hebrew
- After rotation of phone the location picker is displayed
V3.1.7 Release – 19.06.2016
- Fixed problem with notification sound if “Show Popup” is activated
V3.1.6 Release – 14.06.2016
- Phone Reminder: Special characters like #31# are now allowed
- Wear: 60 minutes are now snoozed correctly
V3.1.5 Release – 14.05.2016
New Features
- New Location Picker with Places
- App share function. You can now share the app to one of your contacts. (Menu –> Share App)
- It is now possible to use “Skip to next” with multiple selection
- New navigation drawer (official navigation drawer from Google)
- Setting and support is now in the new navigation drawer instead of the menu
- New log creation. It is now a way easier to create a logfile in case of problems
- New font color setting for the text input (Settings, Look and Feel, Font Sizes and Colors –> Remind Notes)
- New option to add/change or delete smart times entries (tap on the 3 dots and select smart times edit)
- New option for Android Wear. It is now possible to snooze it 30 and 60 minutes (changeable by user is planned)
- Updated languages
- It is now possible to add phone number with network parameters like #31#
- Some small location and quick minutes layout changes
- Fixed crashed if the contact photo is missing
- Fixed problem with misaligned text in the quick add bar
- Fixed problem with shortcut icon showing on lockscreen on Android 6.0
- Fixed the location based reminders on widget. Shows now the address instead of date/time
- Fixed layout problems on RTL layouts
- Birthday shows now correct .. has birthday .. on day of birthday
V3.1.1 Release – 20.01.2016 – Download
New Features
- New option to use the native system calendar picker
- New option to use the native time picker
- New share function with direct share dialog on Marshmallow 6.0 and up
- Updated all notification icons to new icon
- Updated languages
V3.1 Release – 03.01.2016 – Download
New Features
- Android Marshmallow 6.0 ready
- New Material Design with a lot of new design elements
- Asking for permission on runtime (Marshmallow 6.0)
- New app icon design
- New Widget Theme Support
- New Widget Option to hide the day header
- New way to select a contact, just type name or number
- Material Design icons inside the app
- .. and a lot of more to discover.
- Update all used 3rd party libraries
- Updated to latest Google Play Service for better location updates
- Updated languages
- Removed unused icons and elements
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Fixed some missing icons
V3.08 Release – 08.07.2015
- Fixed that sometimes the Quick Call Reminder doesn’t show up
- Removed Themes from General settings
- Support for ActionLauncher 3.5 new QuickBar feature (Icon is now displayed)
- Updated languages
V3.07 Release – 29.06.2015
- Fix for Repeat Until Count
- You can now add QuickMinutes up to 9999 minutes
- Removed some debug messages on location reminder
- Fixed a few reported crashes
- Updated languages
V3.06 Release – 29.04.2015
New Features
- It is now possible to delete a image in the add reminder screen (tap on the X inside the picture at the top right)
- New quit without saving popup – If you hit back key and changes are detected!
- Share reminder uses now the body text instead subject (works now with Hangouts too)
- After adding an image and not saving it is now deleted from the SD-Card
- Some design optimizations for Android 2.3
- Added a few missing translation possibilities
- Fixed Quick Call Reminder doesn’t go off sometimes or doesn’t automatically be canceled
- Fixed a few reported crashes
- New language Afrikaans
- Updated translation for Italian, Finnish, Czech, Chinese, Vietnamese, Dutch, Romanian, Arabic, Slovak, Modern Hebrew, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Hungarian, Modern Greek, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Lithuanian, Serbian, ..
New Features
- A new method to add reminders.
Let me introduce to you the…. Quick Add Bar ….
It’s located at the bottom of the screen and you can quickly add a reminder of every type.
It saves again 1 click - The plus sign and new quick add bar is now swiped away on scroll to see more on the screen. A small swipe up brings it back (the same as in the Google+ app)
- New Done/Dismiss icon in the action bar
- New Move to next recurring reminder icon in the action bar
- The Quick Minutes Edit Screen is updated and refreshed
- In the Quick Minutes DropDown there is now a edit function added (at the last)
- Finally fixed the dark background problem after the Active Reminder List Popup
- Crashes in Birthday reminder if date is save without year
- Rotation/Animation of the plus button (is now only animated on tap)
- Fix for wrong last call notification (sometimes the call log gets very slow updated)
- Fixed the first start popup menu for backup if available
- Fixed wrong text color in the popup dialog on Android 2.3
- Fixed backup and restore shows only date without time
- Fixed problem with smart date/time selection on Android 5.1
- Fixed time format not used from settings in time picker
- Fixed Enable Reminder problem if the reminder is set to the past
- A few reported bugs
- The default weekly day is now set from the selected date instead of always today date
- Updated Translations for Romanian, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Turkish, Finnish, Persian, Slovak, Vietnamese, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, Serbian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Modern Greek, Modern Hebrew, Swedish, Czech, Ukrainian
V3.04 Release – 13.03.2015
New Features
- New settings category Look and Feel
- Moved Set Theme setting to new category Look and Feel
- Font customization in Active Reminders screen in category Look and Feel
- Snooze All in fired off group dialog (is shown if Group Notification is enabled)
- Fix for Enable Reminder feature not working on Android 4.3 and lower
- Updated Translations for Finnish, Italian, Modern Greek, Arabic, Modern Hebrew
V3.03 Release – 22.02.2015
- Fix for notifications are sometimes too late on Android 4.4 and up
- Smart Date displays text for the same week correctly
- Date Formats are now displayed as selected in the settings on date/time pickers
- Date and time is now correctly saved after rotation of screen
- Languages percentages are now correct
- Widget gets now correctly updated over midnight
- Automatic Backup are made only on exit/pause (better performance, less useless backups)
- Debug Message removed. Will be displayed only if Debug Log is enabled
- A few reported small fixes and improvements
- Updated Translations for Hungarian, Slovak, Italian, Tamil, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Czech, Modern Hebrew, French, Spanish, Croatian, Romanian
New Features
- Setting to disable Smart Date/Time buttons
- Setting for alternative notification icon in green (only up to Android 4.x)
- Renamed Settings to General Settings for new feature see next line
- New direct access to the Category Settings if you inside a reminder
- Long Text in Dialog shows now the buttons
- Share Function should now work
- Preview Images in FontSizes are now with the new layout
- Date and Time Selections sets now the Date and Time from the Reminder on Edit
- Fixed crash on update from 2.x to 3.x. release
- Header and Text is now shown correct on a manual Birthday entry
- Parking Reminder has now only a default Pre-Alarm if enabled in the Settings
- Fix for activation if COL Reminder Donate donate is installed
- Cleaned up unused icons
- Fixed some reported crashes and made some optimizations
- Settings Page updated with icons and description
- Updated Translations for Modern Hebrew, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Czech, Spanish, Slovak
V3.01 Release – 28.01.2015
New Features
- ReAdd 1×1 Widget on Android 4.x devices
- Enable Reminder Feature is working again
- Fix for refresh in Active Reminder List on Resume
- Fix for Repeat Dialog not showing For a number of Events input field
- Fix for really long text reminder do not show Date and Time options
- A few reported fixed and improvements
- Updated Translations Swedish, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Coratian, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese
V3.0 Major Release – 24.01.2015
New Features
- New icon
- Complete new design
- Android Wear support
- New Category Birthday Reminder
- Location Reminders
- Repeat Functions (Until a date, For x times, ..)
- Floating Action Button (4.x and up)
- Changed Widget Design
- Widget Settings (Display only today, week, categories, …)
- Search and filter function
- Date/Time Picker from Google
- Date/Time quick time picker
- Welcome Screen for new users
- Navigation Drawer
- Date and Time Format Selection
- Multiselect in History for deletion
- Pre-Alarms for all categories
- Selection of SD-Card for backup
- Complete rewrite of the database to Content providers
- … and a lot of more to discover!!